DSS/V8/DSS Express/Instruction/License Dectivation (Online)


This guide will show how to deactivate the DSS Pro/Express license.

! Note: this guide is for DSS Servers connected to the Internet.


  • DSS Pro/Express V8 Server and Client
  • License Key that you received from your Sales Rep
  • The computer on which DSS is running has Internet

Step by Step Instructions

1.Log into DSS and select [License].

LicenseDeactivationV8 1.jpg

2. Click on [Online Deactivate License].

LicenseDeactivationV8 2.jpg

3. Click on [Deactivate Now].

LicenseDeactivationV8 3.jpg

4. Now, the License Key is deactivated. You could use it on a new installation.

All DSS Modules have become gray.