
Revision as of 21:26, 14 December 2015 by Mark (talk | contribs) (Backup via SmartPSS)

Backup via SmartPSS


  1. From the Home Page on SmartPSS select the “Play Back Button”.
  2. From the Play Back Page on the right hand side select “Camera or Channel” for the footage you would like to backup.
  3. Select which one of the options you would like to back up. 
  4. Select the stream "Main or Sub".
  5. Select “From Date and time”. 
  6. Select “To Date and time”.
  7. Select “Record or Event (such as motion)“.
  8. Select or check which event or recorded footage.
  9. Select Save Icon to export.
  10. Select Path you would like to save it to .
  11. Select Export Format
  12. Select “OK”.