SmartPSS/How To Setup PC NVR

Revision as of 22:15, 3 April 2019 by Marques.Phillips (talk | contribs) (How To Setup PC-NVR In SmartPSS)

How To Setup PC-NVR In SmartPSS


This article will show you how to setup PC-NVR in SmartPSS 2.0


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Launch SmartPSS.

Preset SmartPSS 1.jpg

2. Click PC-NVR

How To Setup PC NVR SmartPSS - 1.jpg

3. Click the toggle switch at the top left of the screen to enable PC-NVR

How To Setup PC NVR SmartPSS - 2.jpg

A splash screen for PC-NVR will appear.

How To Setup PC NVR SmartPSS - 3.jpg

After a few moments PC-NVR will be enabled. You can confirm this by checking the server information at the top and making sure Status is "Online"

How To Setup PC NVR SmartPSS - 4.jpg

Once PC-NVR is enabled you can begin initial configuration.